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No-code NFT smart contract and NFT collection generator

You’re a visionary of sorts. You have ideas, and you want to get them out to the world in the form of NFTs and NFTs collections. The problem is you cannot. Your lack of knowledge and know-how hinders you, which is not your fault. It simply is this way. Creating smart contracts is no easy feat, and if done incorrectly, it could lead to costly mistakes. They require initial expertise to set the proper rails and guidelines, which is why a no-code NFT smart contract and NFT collection generator would be the ideal solution.

How to use the documents and ideas in this article. Tried to fix the fan noise but the laptop was ready to fly away. Lets connect and create.

You’ve been in the discussions. You’ve heard the creators exclaim, “We need help!” Which is why you’re here. 

Because you agree there has to be a better, more straightforward way to decentralize the creation of NFTs and NFT collections. A way to provide creatives of all sorts with a platform that they can use to create, read, update, and delete NFTs and NFT collections. An easy-to-use no-code NFT smart contract and NFT collection generator.

Before we can begin solution-ing, though, let’s touch on a few topics to provide context.

One can mint an NFT on any marketplace using a method called “lazy minting.” Which is developer backend magic. No one has confirmed or denied the actual sorcery. Either way, it’s this mystical series of calculations and computations, then executions of tasks, processes, and protocols that make it all pop off and do what it does. Thus resulting in an item tossed on up to the blockchain.

It works well but provides some constraints. It limits an artist or creative to a platform and doesn’t give them the ultimate freedom and flexibility. Most marketplaces act as simple storefronts with the potential to sell items for profit. Once a user lists an item for sale on that marketplace, it’s locked in for the sale duration or canceled, which is fair. 

This is more about providing non-technical individuals with a simple easy to use no-code NFT smart contract and NFT collection generator.

example of a no-code NFT smart contract and NFT collection generator interface
Fungible Factory NFT is a proposed idea at creating a conversation regarding the design and development of a no-code or low-code smart contract solution.

After listening in on several conversations, I thought I would give it a whirl and ran through a quick exercise. 

The problem I was trying to solve was a simple solution that would provide individuals with the ability to create a smart contract without writing code. I was starting this from the perspective of a creator who had to make a smart contract to launch a collection on OpenSea called Warskullz_Reboot.

In thinking through this exercise, I knew there would be some challenges I had to overcome. 

The most important, I thought, were the deployment of a contract and verification. These steps are critical and have serious weight on the contract itself. To solve this problem, I envisioned a very rudimentary flow that stored the state of a container and guided the user through a series of steps, essentially a form, that then assembled into a dossier. 

At the final stage, users could compile the contract. 

Due to the nature of much of this and the fact that it should be a simple, easy-to-use, no-code NFT smart contract and NFT collection generator, I envisioned information being cached and stored in the backend, removing any heavy lifting off of the user. In trying to empathize with their potential skill levels and needs, the initial approach was a straight shot down the line with a familiar layout.

I opted to work very quickly to ideate a potential path. As well as create a communication tool around solving for storing information until the user completes a process and then creates the actual smart contract.

example of a no-code NFT smart contract and NFT collection generator interface
When it’s all said and done the user will have deployed an NFT collection without any coding knowledge required!

Outside of this initial focus, I was also looking at how a user might create individual items. 

I saw a general theme emerging. The core was a primary CRUD application interface for managing NFT and NFT collection smart contracts.

In doing so, I’ve outlined a document using Figma and set up a clickable prototype to walk through the idea. As well as several presentations to help further communicate this initial vision.

Need help with smart contracts or NFT collections?

First pass, no code NFT smart contract and NFT collection generator

This article is a living, breathing document and is open for discussion. I want to create a conversation to shape a no-code NFT smart contract and NFT collection generator solution. In moving forward with this exercise, I would love feedback. 

Feel free to leave it on any channel. Here in the comments, on YouTube, or even the Figma document. Whichever works. Here’s how the brainstorm went in getting on with this initial design.

A couple of Twitter spaces later, I heard many people say we need this solution. This was a great way I could provide value to the NFT community. Going into product design mode, I thought through the basics by looking at popular platforms and a contract I deployed on Remix.

The initial approach was to answer, 

How might we create a no-code NFT smart contract and NFT collection generator for creatives that allowed them to control the creation of NFTs and NFT collections?

The type of person who would use this application wants to create and produce. They don’t want to worry about all the malarkey in the mix. 

They need an interface that’s easy to use and something familiar they can work through. Trust is a significant factor and a massive part of using this solution. They trust the logic will be correct, and they’re guided along the path to creating tokens of all sorts.

The answer then is a simple NFT factory. The Fungible Factory NFT.

example of a no-code NFT smart contract and NFT collection generator interface
A basic interface for creating new NFTs or NFT collections without any code.

Something easy to work with that doesn’t require much technical knowledge, provides support and helper information for newbies and novices. Plus makes the process effortless, even if it takes simplification. 

In the end, it results in successfully created and verified smart contracts.

A general interface pattern can be built using a CRUD application as an essential foundation and following expected flows. In looking at how NFTs and NFT collections are created, I found that basic steps, components, or processes were involved. 

These provided the main features or benchmarks. 

Since one of the goals was to build trust, I also found it essential to ensure that the flow kept users in a path that, when creating an NFT collection, not allowing them to deploy until ready.

Deployment is irreversible, and changes or updates aren’t the easiest. 

In my primary research, I saw that SolSea was a marketplace that made sure users understood that the NFT or NFT collection was created upon hitting submit. In pausing.

What is a CRUD app?

In computer programming, create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) are the four basic operations of persistent storage. CRUD is sometimes used to describe user interface conventions that facilitate viewing, searching, and changing information using computer-based forms and reports. CRUD is an acronym for a computer program and refers to the four functions create, read, update and delete. They keep us organized, help digitize business processes, and are critical to application development. CRUD apps consist of three parts; the database, user interface, and APIs.

The biggest obstacle or the unknown?

I feel that creating a no-code NFT smart contract and NFT collection generator deployment and verification will be the biggest obstacles to overcome. What I’ve outlined in the Figma document shows the concept of storing data and requiring all information before deployment. 

The general gist is that collections need specific knowledge and follow processes to be deployed correctly and verified. Therefore in future thinking, someone with more expertise and further research from a technical side is required.

Outside of that, it would be imperative to hear the community’s voice and get a group of individuals who want to shape this type of tool or vision. Most importantly, creatives need to get involved because it is they who this is being built for. How can a tool like this improve your life and your creative workflows? What types of features or additions are missing?

example of a no-code NFT smart contract and NFT collection generator interface
What could a possible NFT and NFT collection no code generator look like?

Further research needs to go into what the actual pain points, needs, motivations, desires, and requirements are necessary to make your life easier and if there is any form of a return on investment. 

Rounding it out, what developmental restrictions do we face in developing this? Are there limitations with how data is captured, secured, stored, and passed? Surely there must be?

Looking forward

A hive mind can help to drive this forward. We need blockchain developers, artists, creatives, and more. We need some general user research and an analysis of what’s possible, what’s required, and what can be done in what timeframe for what costs. We need to come together to create a no-code NFT smart contract and NFT collection generator!

I want to hear your comments and suggestions. Please feel free to leave them here or on any of my social media channels where this particular topic is posted.

If you’re ready to get started working on this, then let’s go!


Even though a quick Google search warrants a variety of platforms and solutions on the market, there seems to be room. This platform could scale in many different ways. It could be used as a Whitelabel solution for creatives to build out their online art factories and a tool for all sorts of people to get involved in NFTs.

Check this out for further ideas:

Need help with smart contracts or NFT collections?

If you’d like to collaborate on a project or are interested in assistance feel free to reach out.

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